Trunk or Treat
What is Trunk or Treat?
It’s a Halloween event (Friday, Oct 18th) where students come in costume and trick-or-treating is done from car to car. Cars will be parked on Banyan’s playground. Trunks are open and decorated with fun themes for kids to enjoy as they collect candy.
Want to decorate and bring your car on campus to participate?
Please fill out the form and RETURN TO THE OFFICE no later than OCTOBER 13th. A suggested donation of $10 per car is appreciated if you wish to participate. If you are signing up you need to plan to arrive at 4:30 pm to be allowed to park on campus and decorate your trunk. Bobcat trick or treaters will arrive at 5 pm and you will need to remain parked until the event ends at 7 pm. No cars will be allowed to exit during the event.
* Current Paw-some sponsors are allowed to advertise for free on their trunks (entry donation still applies)
Not a current sponsor but want to advertise? You may advertise on your trunk for an extra registration fee of $50.
NOTE: Sponsors and advertisers CANNOT include any form of advertisements whatsoever in goody bags or with candy to trick or treaters. You may have marketing material laid out as an option for people to pick up.
How do I enter the pumpkin carving and decorating contest?
Banyan PTA will be hosting a pumpkin carving and decorating contest!
Please purchase a medium sized pumpkin (i.e., basketball size), and decorate or carve it prior to the event. Bring your decorated or carved pumpkin by 4:30 to enter the contest.
Attendees will vote as they arrive, and the winner will be announced by the DJ at the end of the event, and prizes will be awarded!